Friday, May 11, 2007

The Last Week

If by chance you read my other blog, Life in General and Other Things, you know that I have a small problem with my fingers (numb from a pinched nerve) and allergies so I have not been writing or posting for the last week. In addition, I have not been in a very good place mentally for the last week. It took a comment from Scout to jar me out of the “funk” I am in. She simply asked how I was and that she missed my posts. Thank you Scout. I wish there was another word to use other than “I” since it seems so self-centered to continually use “I” but I have not found another word for “I”. (Here “I” go again.) For the past week it has been difficult for me to be positive about life and the things going on in mine now and I did not want to get better. I wanted to wallow in self-pity and did. How’s that for being honest. I did not want anyone to tell me things will get better and that things will work out. I know they will and I know that they will work themselves out. Now with that said and out of the way, I am going to do better and get back into my routine of writing and working through issues. My son and I are not on the best of terms and just this week we actually “talked” using IM. It is strange that we can talk this way rather than when face to face, but at least we talked. That is a good thing and I am grateful for that.

I am also grateful that God loves me and I am alive. I am grateful that with time, all things get better. I am grateful that no matter how “down” and depressed I get, I do not drink nor use drugs. I know this is a short list of things to be grateful for today but that is it for now.


Sober Steve said...

It doesn't how short or long your list is. Somedays for me it's hard to think of one thing to be grateful for, but if you find that one thing, others do follow.

At a meeting Wednesday I was talking about my son to a house staff from the treatment center. She said "Be grateful he came home alive, be grateful that you have 2 lovley boys. I have wanted kids my entire, now I'm 38 and I have pets, so be grateful for what you have and what others may want..."

It is so easy for addicts to wallow in self-pity. We are good at it. So today I'm grateful for you being here for me..

Hug and kisses

ArahMan7 said...

I'm happy that you talked with your son. Is he the one who set the IM for you?

Scott M. Frey said...

glad the lines of communication with your son are open, by whatever means....

Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

I have experienced the same thing as your son with "Im-ing." IM provides that small level of anonymity that can be useful when one has trouble with intimacy -- you don't have to look into (or avoid) someone else's EYES! It is a good start not matter how it goes, really --or at least it was for me....
You are welcome, by the way. I had missed you and wondered how you were doing.